Lori Zabka is a wellness/fitness coach and the founder of the Anti-Diet, leading women nationwide in an online program called “Build U.” She is a co-host of the “Coming Unglued” Podcast and has been featured on television programs where she shares what it means to add nourishing, anti-inflammatory foods to our diets. You can find more information on her website at http://www.lifebyloriz.com.
What we chat about:
- Being sick and skinny
- How we destroy our bodies
- Inflammation and all the red flags
- Self-Care starts with saying “No” to the wrong things and “Yes” to what nourishes
- Shame and self-acceptance
- Baby Steps to Wellness
Connect with Lori Zabka
Find out more about the BUILD U PROGRAM
Get your free Quick and Clean Booster Guide here
Watch Lori talking about Wellness on YouTube: Today in Nashville
Listen to Lori and Kim Anderson on the “Coming Unglued” Podcast here.
Schedule a 15-minute FREE consultation with Lori here.
Connect with Jenni and Hope Has A Voice
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