Sarah is the Author of “The Complicated Heart: Loving Even When it Hurts” and the host of “The Complicated Heart” Podcast. Her writing has been featured in Relevant Magazine, Focus on the Family, The Life Today Show, and others. In this episode we discuss mother wounds, forgiveness, and the grief that followed her realization that she would never have a mother to nurture her in the way she needed.
Resources from Sarah Mae:
Listen to The Complicated Heart Podcast here.
Complicated Heart book promo video here.
How do you forgive when the wound still open?
If you’ve struggled with a difficult relationship, if you’ve felt torn-up and crazy and confused because of it, if you just want to know how to move forward and be okay, this story is for you.
Dysfunction does not have to be your legacy.
Victory is on the table.
Walk with Sarah Mae through these pages as she shares how she learned to love and forgive her alcoholic mother. Not only will you be immersed into the story, you’ll learn:
-How to discover your core lies
-How to set boundaries
-How to mourn your losses
-How to forgive when your wounds are still open
-How to love (yourself and others) when it hurts
Read the first 3 chapter free here.
Get The Complicated Heart by clicking here
Connect with Sarah Mae:
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